What They Say After Using Git Aset?

Excellent, many assets are specifically devoted to the needs of the youth of nation, but can also be used for the needs of people in the international world. The graphics are really good and diverse.
Indira Alma
University Student
Git Aset provides an absolutely a lot of numbers of assets! And, the illustrations are so Indonesian. So proud to use Git Aset, original work by the nation's youth.
Akhdan Rasyid
Git Aset helps my work a lot, especially when I'm under the deadline, so I need a finished asset and no need to build assets from the scratch.
Putri Adiarti
Graphic Designer
Definitely good assets, lots of choices, so helpful especially in creating UI Designs.
Mohamad Nurfakhrian
Design Freelacer
Git Aset is so much great and useful! Such good assets are so helpful, and the coolest thing of it, the price is not expensive for such solid quality.
Ahmad Bani
Graphic Designer
So helpful and complementary for the designer's work, especially Git Aset is valid for lifetime for the members. Thanks Git Aset, I'm so proud with local creation.
Zainal Abidin
Graphic Designer
I loved the design, really helped my school when preparing publications. Our school has just been running for five years, so we lack of personnels. Thank God, Git Aset helped me work with my design easier. Only combined the freepik, canva, and Git Aset.
Ahmad Mufidun
Head of Computer Lab
Git Aset was pretty helpful for me in making the designs I needed, being a service designer is quite fun for me who just started working in the world of graphic design, and Git Aset makes it easier for me to realize what I want.
Aldi Wihananto
Excellent product for a designer like me who needs design assets with a commercial license. In addition, as made by local youth, it can be easier to communicate for any obstacles or other things.
Sunawar Sukowati
Graphic Designer
The existence of Git Aset make it very easier for me to create some designs or projects because the assets in Git Aset are very varied and complete.
Muh. Nurfaizi Mursidin
University Student
At first, I was interested and bought it when I saw in the ads the work of the nation's youth, one of the fonts that made me fall in love is "Meledictus", if I’m not mistaken with the name of the font. So cool, so love it ❤️ 👍. Keep ahead! Keep creating!
Hikmah As
Freelance Illustrator
The assets were so cool, really helpful in making designs you need quickly, so the progress is also faster, and lots of cool updates too. Thanks Git Aset!
John Ferris
Graphic Designer
So satisfied with the design results from Git Aset. So good and organic. Helping me a lot in searching for suitable assets in designing the UIs.
Indar Joko Prasetyo
UI Designer
Graphic assets from Git Aset are very helpful in making designs, all available assets are very easy to edit, and the design is so up to date.
Adie Noor Ramadhani
Git Aset has made my design easier and less time consuming. Affordable price and competitive quality. Thank you Git Aset.
Muhammad Ichsan
University Student
Creative innovation and can be utilized optimally by members, of course. I'm looking forward to the next Git Aset update. Keep cheering up for Git Aset team! 🙂
Kemal Fajar
Git Aset is so helpful in providing assets in the form of design elements. In searching for design materials, no need to get bothered about licensing, all are available on one website. Support the work by the nation's youth at the same time!
Stevianto Prayogo
University Student
Lots of good assets to be used as a reference to create designs. No longer need to waste time to start from the scratch. Only with Git Aset, then create with your imagination to create new and unique designs.
Jati Kusumo
Git Aset makes my culinary business design easier, so culinary business promotions become more interesting.
Dimas Satriadi
The designs are so good, so helpful for me when doing assignments and projects as an IT worker, especially since I often make applications.
Mobile Programmer
Git Aset is so helpful when I'm artblocking 😁. Many free assets for commercial, so they also can be used in work and personal affairs.
Nicolas Ferdinan
University Student
So satisfying and useful for designers in creating works. And affordable price and complete features, highly recommended for use.
Nurul Hafizhah Alza
University Student
So useful for me who is in charge of UI/UX because I'm not someone who can make illustrations, I just searched on free website all this time, and finally decided to buy at Git Aset. At first, I never think that the fulltime access feature is true after checking on the website.
Alif Sahputra
I feel so helped by this Git Aset, which can support my design results, especially the design assets have editable jpg & png files on android since I design using a cellphone (PC not affordable for now) and indeed, I'm more interested in design using a cellphone, which is simpler, we can design anywhere, no need for a studio or office, we can even do while lying down.
Ahmad R
Teacher & Designer
Git Aset has many vector items that can be mixed and matched, making it very easy for designers to create design products. The cost offered is also affordable, and the design quality is satisfying.
University Student
Worth it to buy for novice designers when stuck with ideas, we can use this, and it's not complicated to make from scratch, and no wasting time, we can use it right away, edit it again, no confuse any longer, so helpful
Fitrotin Azizah
Wooow... I'm proud to have so cool Asset Designers originally made by Indonesian youth. Making Indonesia more advanced in the future and raising the creativity of the nation's youth.
Michael Erba
Graphic Designer
So interesting to get assets at affordable prices, but sooner or later, more assets will be provided by Git Aset
Vijay Khomaini Malabar
Graphic Designer
So happy that I don't need to design from the scratch to make interesting designs, at that price, I'm so satisfied, rather than having to design all things from the scratch, taking a lot of time, not to mention when having no ideas, Git Aset is so helpful, thank you Git Aset
Uswatun Nursholihah
Graphic Designer
Best graphic assets, perfectly suited to my needs as a graphic designer. Help me work faster for animated video needs.
Graphic Designer
Very satisfied so far and very helpful. Highly recommended and worth it to buy at that price, because it's really as good and complete as that. Thank you Git Aset! ^^
Marsha Nurtya Rachma
UI/UX Designer Freelancer
The asset updates are for sure routine and more complete. I’ve never missed the notifications from Telegram and Email for every update. So helpful for commercial and personal use.
Fajar Leonanda
Git Aset is so helpful in making design projects. Cool, easy to edit, and up-to-date graphic assets.
Noor Ramadhani
Git Aset provided me great design assets, helping me to complete my office duties. Thanks Git Aset.
Asep Rifki Darojat
Graphic Designer
So helpful in working on designs, besides, it can be used easily and attractive to display.
Roni Ahmadi
Pretty numbers of icon set choices, characters and fonts, making it easy to create designs and UI applications.
M. Afin Fauzi
University Student
The "available" assets make it so easy when we want to make something, so no time consuming.
University Student
So helpful with work, and no longer afraid of copyright due to the purchased lifetime license.
Yazid Hidayatullah
Graphic Designer
So satisfied when compared to other asset markets out there.
Ridho Fakhrozi
Graphic Designer
So helpful for us in creating content, promotions, branding the Instagram feeds.
Eko Nofa Sebrianto
Entry Point ID Founder
Muhammad Arif Syakban
pixelarva, ig: pixelarva Owner
Very easy to download and quality of the images in the icons, illustrations, etc., were excellent.
Kintan Ayu Kartika Putri
A lot of number of quality assets at affordable price.
Bumbu Hitam Si Mbok Founder
So proud, for sure! Hopefully this can be the freepik of Indonesia in the future.
With an affordable price, we can get all Git Aset facilities, very advantageous.
Umara Hasmarani Rizqiyah
Job seekers
Making it easier to create illustrations in publications and application mockups.
Satrio Adi Rukmono
Amazing, because we can get premium templates to ease and speed up the design process.
Irfan Yulianto
Brand Designer
The member access area is easy to use, creative, the assets are quite varied, the admin is friendly, the price is affordable.
Moch Dwi Haryanto
Staff Administrasi
So satisfied, pay once and get you a lifetime membership.
Edwin Gunawan
Original Assets and Lifetime Updates, Very Satisfying.
Syamsul Bahri
Freelancer Graphic Design and IT
It helps that there is a design asset provider with a lifetime license purchase system. Especially, for us who find it troubled/difficult to subscribe to assets monthly, while our montly needs are not routine. Besides, this is locally made, so proud!
Gerardo Pramudita
Graphic Designer
Brilliant! In the midst of designers adapting to the habit of respecting copyright, Git Aset sets to provide fresh air and positive energy to keep working, especially at very profitable prices. Thank you.
Tomy Rawung
Design Freelacer