50 Islamic Logo

File Size
2 MB
File Type
Color Mode

50 Islamic logos are included in this design asset. The logos come in three file formats: AI, PNG, and SVG. You can easily edit and customize them using software such as Illustrator, Photoshop, CorelDraw, Affinity Designer, and Inkscape. They can also be resized and recolored using Canva, Vista Create, and other apps that support SVG files.

These logos are designed to be user-friendly and editable, making it easy for anyone to customize them according to their needs. Each logo is unique and can add a touch of Islamic aesthetics to various design projects.

The key features and benefits of this design asset include:

  • Multiple file formats (AI, PNG, SVG) for easy usage in different software
  • A total of 50 Islamic logos to choose from
  • Editable and customizable, allowing you to make changes according to your requirements and preferences
  • Can be resized and recolored using compatible software and apps
  • Perfect for a wide range of design projects, such as websites, social media graphics, merchandise, and more

With this design asset, you can create stunning Islamic-themed designs that resonate with your audience. Whether you are a graphic designer, a social media manager, a blogger, or an individual looking to add an Islamic touch to your projects, this collection of 50 logos will be a valuable resource for you.